Harmonic enhances ViBE following Thomson Video acquisition
Harmonic has announced new capabilities for its ViBE 4K encoder that deliver Ultra HD (UHD) low-latency, high-bitrate HEVC 4:2:2 10-bit encoding for 4K contribution applications. The ViBE 4K encoder is one of several solutions that have joined the Harmonic product family as a result of the company’s recent acquisition of Thomson Video Networks.
By reducing encoder latency to less than a second, and increasing maximum encoding bitrate to 160 Mbps, the ViBE 4K encoder addresses key latency and picture fidelity requirements for contribution applications. In addition to excellent picture quality, customers need to retain maximum color information and facilitate editing and master archiving of received content. With its full-frame, full-GOP, 4:2:2 10-bit implementation, the ViBE 4K encoder is an ideal solution for delivering artifact-free pictures when compared to UHD contribution solutions that rely on multiple encoders, along with uniform rendering of single-texture areas such as the grass on a soccer field.
“By leveraging HEVC for contribution applications, Harmonic is allowing customers to embrace UHD within the constraints of typical satellite contribution links without compromising picture quality,” said Bart Spriester, senior vice president of video products at Harmonic. In addition to HEVC UHD, the ViBE 4K solution now also supports 1080p50/59.94 HEVC encoding that enables customers to use a single encoder for both UHD and HD applications.