Calrec launches online training courses

Goodman: COVID-19 has significantly shifted the broadcast landscape
Calrec has launched the Calrec Sound Institute, a series of online certification training courses, starting with courses for two of its most widely used digital audio consoles.
These educational courses are said to provide a comprehensive overview of Brio and Type R consoles for engineers and operators, as well as experienced professionals looking to hone their skills.
The courses cover hardware, I/O, routing, mix minus, busses and monitoring and are designed to get users up and running quickly and with confidence. Once the training is completed, users are officially certified by Calrec for Brio and/or Type R systems.
Henry Goodman, director of product development at Calrec, said: “We have always had an open-door training policy at Calrec, but COVID-19 has significantly shifted the broadcast landscape and it’s our responsibility to help customers develop with tools that can be accessed remotely. As workflows continue to evolve, online training courses are increasingly important to help customers learn key products and be able to show that they have done so via certification.”
Calrec will expand its online training service with a series of detailed AoIP masterclasses that cover everything a broadcast facility needs to know about IP, how it works and the effect it is having on our industry.
“IP is a complicated subject; our new course will break IP down into independent and objective modules which we hope will enable broadcasters to make IP decisions with confidence,” added Goodman. “It is a very broad course which covers the basics through to PTP, Multicast and the importance of intelligent network design.”