SIXTY delivers AR set to Norway’s TV 2 for 2015 IHF World Women’s Handball Championship
TV Experience Company SIXTY has announced the delivery of a new augmented reality (AR) set extension to TV 2 Norway’s on-site studio for the 2015 IHF World Women’s Handball Championship.
The AR consists of several layouts, enabling sports presenters to quickly show on-air analyses to viewers. These include player profiles with bio and full size pictures, on-court formations with a 3D court model, and updates on upcoming matches. SIXTY has created a motion captured handball player as a physics simulated cloud of the official IHF World Women’s Handball Championship.
“We worked hard to develop the AR as a compelling on-air enhancement for viewers, while also providing TV producers a superior tool to extend their broadcast with content of instant interest to audiences,” said producer/AD Aleksander Berg.
TV 2’s use of NCam real-time camera tracking enables SIXTY to quickly create real-time graphics. All on-screen, on-air graphics are based on SIXTY’s ongoing updates of TV 2’s sports brand and the development of a new real-time event graphics kit. It has also been adapted to match IHF Championship design elements and colour palettes.
“The AR delivered by SIXTY gives us the opportunity to enrich our production by providing a more natural feel between full screen graphics and the hard set,” said Eivind Netland, director and project leader at TV 2.
The 2015 IHF World Women’s Handball Championship will take place between the 5th and 20th of December in Denmark.