EVS receives lowest risk ESG rating from Sustainalytics
EVS has received a “low risk” Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rating from Morningstar Sustainalytics, a global leader in ESG research and data.
With a risk score of 13.5, EVS is ranked in the seventh percentile in Sustainalytics’ global universe of more than 15,000 rated companies, indicating a significant improvement from the previous year, with a decrease of 9.2 points.
Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how effectively it manages those risks. The higher the unmanaged risk, the higher the ESG Risk Rating score.
“ESG is a fundamental component of our growth and differentiation strategy at EVS, and it is therefore an important priority across all levels of our organisation,” commented Dounia Czorniak, deputy CPO at EVS and also heading the company’s ESG task force. “We are very proud to receive this favourable score from Sustainalytics and having conducted our carbon footprint assessment since this rating, we can already anticipate further improvement for next year.”
Sustainalytics provides the most extensive and comprehensive ESG Risk Ratings in the industry with its wide coverage of analyst based ESG Risk Ratings in the market.