Media Burst adopts Leader to capture El Clasico in Ultra HD
Media Burst, the systems integration company of the Mediapro group, chose three Leaader LV 5490 multi-screen waveform monitors for ultra-high definition coverage of the Real Madrid versus Barcelona football match in Madrid on Saturday November 21. The game was captured using 12 4K UHD cameras delivering wide angle and close-up coverage from various locations around the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. The UHD feed was distributed via satellite by Hispasat using MPEG-4 AVC (H.264) compression encoding, and via Movistar+ to its fibre customers using the new HEVC (H.265) compression standard.
“This was a milestone event in terms of sports broadcasting,” says Jordi Rubio Gimeno, Manager of Media Burst. “We premiered a brand new mobile production vehicle equipped specifically for UHD. Shooting in 4K enabled us to capture the action in four times the detail possible in high definition. It also provided a basis for extraordinarily high quality HD downconversions. The LV 5490 instruments provided exactly the features we needed to maintain the maximum possible signal quality across the incoming feeds from 12 full broadcast standard UHD cameras.”
The Leader LV 5490 supports the full range of standard video production and transmission resolutions from 525 and 625 standard definition up to 3840 x 2160 and 4096 x 2160 4K ultra-high definition. It incorporates a 1920 x 1080 9 inch LCD monitor with a wide viewing angle and high quality colorimetry. This allows simultaneous analysis of up to four video channels.