New TC Group distribution duties for Danmon Asia
TC Electronic has appointed Danmon Asia its new distributor in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. The Danish firm, founded in 1976, has a wide product range that includes various MI products as well as audio plug-ins, studio and post production processors, and broadcast equipment such as loudness processors and meters. Danmon Asia will distribute the post-production and broadcast range of products.
“I am very pleased that Danmon Asia has agreed to become a Premium Certified HD Distributor for TC Group in this region and look forward to building a good, long-term relationship with them,” says Ole Jensen, VP of international sales, broadcast & production at TC Group.
Danmon Asia is a premier creative technology distributor serving Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, headquartered in Hanoi and with branch offices in Ho Chi Minh City.
Robert Rosenberg, managing director, says: “TC Electronic’s reputation and product portfolio complements Danmon Asia’s constant growth in the post-production and broadcast industry. With a quality brand such as TC Electronic, I am confident Danmon Asia will excel further in providing a variety of industry standard solutions.”
Danmon Asia’s high level of technical and operational knowledge with TC Electronic products has qualified them to become a Premium Certified HD Distributor, providing unmatched product demonstration, guidance, backup, and support for our broadcast and production portfolio.