Ross Video hits Europe with Carbonite v. 10.0 and Overdrive Integration
Ross Video is demonstrating version 10.0 software for the Carbonite production switcher at IBC 2014. Version 10.0 supports 2.5 ME operation, MiniME and MultiScreen modes, 3G and UHD (4K) signal processing, as well as some very unique new features.
Carbonite v10.0 new features include the ability to ‘fly’ any key source by utilizing Carbonite’s powerful DVE’s (including Chroma Keys). Advanced ME Layer mode enables complex key layers to be built on any ME, with the composited result then available to another ME, MiniME’s or to direct outputs for use in a downstream keyer. Carbonite v10.0 also includes full Integration with the Ross Video’s OverDrive Automated Production Control system.
“Carbonite’s huge internal processing capabilities makes it possible for us to continue to add some astonishing new features, which can be viewed at IBC along with our European launch of our two new 3 ME panels – making MiniME and 2.5 ME operation a pure joy,” says Nigel Spratling, Marketing Product Manager at Ross Video. “Carbonite offers a level of production power and system connectivity that no other product can offer, and if you couple that with our stunning XPression Graphics System and BlackStorm Playout Server, you have an efficient and cost effective production system capable of producing the highest quality content for any application – quickly and effectively.Nowwith the added ability to connect Carbonite to our Overdrive APC, a truly cost effective automated news production is within reach of many customers.”
Ross Video’s new Carbonite panels being launched at IBC include the 3S, a 24-button panel that adds a third ME row for instant control of MiniMEs, MultiScreen and a half ME. This ergonomically designed panel has a raised menu control area for easy reach and viewing. The 3X panel has all the features of the 3S with the addition of 32 source select buttons. The 3X also has dedicated ME row selection buttons for instant control of any ME or MiniME on any row. With eight Custom Control bank select buttons, the 3X has 256 custom control macros for direct selection at any time.
Ross Video also hits the show floor with an integrated OverDrive Automated Production Control System and Carbonite Production Switcher Series. This integration makes automated production available to many more price sensitive customers given the dramatically lower cost of a Carbonite system versus larger production switchers.
“We’ve had customer requests for some time to integrate OverDrive with Carbonite so that the benefits of automated production can be enjoyed without requiring a large, expensive production switcher,” says Scott Bowditch, Marketing Product Manager, OverDrive. “The combination of OverDrive with Carbonite creates a high-end production automation solution for a mid-market price that is unmatched in the market today.”