TIE2023 International Conference to gather technologists, entrepreneurs, and educators
The TIE2023 Conference on technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and education will bring together technologists, entrepreneurs, and educators to explore the intersection of technology and education.
The conference, which will take place at Magdalene College in Cambridge on 27 and 28 September, aims to bridge the gap between technology, education, and entrepreneurship, offering opportunities for students, entrepreneurs, academics, and industry professionals.
The conference will delve into the transformative potential of audio visual and virtual reality technology, with presentations highlighting the latest technical advances in social, broadcast, and education sectors.
General chair professor Crawford emphasised the potential for AV techniques commonly used in sports and live production to enhance education and personal development.
He said: “There are many, many opportunities where techniques which are commonly deployed by SVG Europe members can be used advantageously in new methods for student teaching and personal development. The teaching applications may not be as exciting as Olympic Games’ footage, but this is where entertainment technology can boost education success.”
Members of the SVG community can secure free passes on a first-come, first-served basis by contacting [email protected] for a special SVG free code. Additionally, students can attend for free by obtaining a student code from David Crawford or Ivana Bujdakova ([email protected]).
The first part of the two-day conference is aimed at exploring what needs to be done to turn a tech idea into a business venture, with a panel of influential entrepreneurs discussing some of the hurdles that still exist concerning equality, diversity and social inclusion.
The discussions will be complemented with a cohort of international papers and presenters, speaking about new technology advances in the creative industries and in teaching and learning institutions worldwide, and how these can be brought together successfully in applications like interactive video gaming and visual story-telling techniques for schools and higher education teaching.
Day one will conclude with a dinner where Alex Chung, chief executive of GIF database Giphy, will speak about how he is launching new ideas and enterprises building on the success of his company’s animated GIFs.
Day two will begin with a keynote by a leading cancer surgeon specializing in AV technology for remote surgery and training. Papers will explore immersive entertainment applications, and the progress of video gaming and immersive education in Europe.
“Day two of the TIE2023 conference can be summarised as what happens when the metaverse meets surgery and surrealism,” added Crawford.
TIE2023 also offers an innovative format, including “Tech Briefs” sessions where presenters have 10 minutes to showcase their innovative ideas, followed by hands-on demos.
For more information visit educateinnovate.eai-conferences.org/2023