wTVision enhances the viewer experience for LaLiga
wTVision has a longstanding relationship with LaLiga, providing many services that enhance the fan experience while watching matches from one of the most prestigious football leagues in the world.
LaLiga’s broadcast graphics workflow plays a pivotal role in enhancing that viewer experience and it’s wTVision that efficiently manages data gathering and graphics production, integrates real-time data, and contributes to the league’s overarching objectives.
To create a seamless process for all the services needed for LaLiga, Grup Mediapro and wTVision created a centralised TV graphics production setup with a team overseeing every stage of the production process.
Firstly, the team collects data from the matches using a stats operator and a slides operator. The slides operator communicates with the TV director in the OB van to ensure that both are aligned on the TV graphics playout according to the rundown order and the events taking place during the match. Using third-party systems such as LaLiga’s MediaCoach system, which provides statistical reports from the match, the team can provide even more complete insights.
Data is also received directly from LaLiga’s Tracab system – which tracks the position of the players and calculates aggregated data such as the speed of the player in real-time. This information is added into the graphics so that fans can see all the exciting information they want before, during and after matches. wTVIsion also takes care of TV graphics for the video highlights after each match.
wTVision utilises its FootballStats CG system, a robust application that collects statistics, integrates third-party data and generates state-of-the-art broadcast graphics.
In combination with the data gathered, wTVision is also responsible for the overlay of 3D and augmented reality graphics that present all the relevant information about the match. The company designed a solution integrating FootballStats CG with Viz Arena, Tracab and MediaCoach. The combination allowed FootballStats CG to pass all of Tracab’s positional data together with the MediaCoach data to the Viz graphics scenes in real-time and generate virtual graphics with real-time data, main statistics and players’ positions.
These graphics include tactical line-ups, players’ and teams’ data, statistics about the match itself, goal attempts, changed tactics, interceptions, number and zones of attacks and heatmaps. These pitch maps provide insightful information about the areas of the pitch where the players are concentrating their efforts. Goal probability from the player who makes a shot on goal is also included.
Still within the augmented reality domain, wTVision has also introduced live graphics within the drone images.
It is also important to note that LaLiga fans can experience the matches in a completely different environment, called Multicam Feed. Four camera feeds are being broadcast for several matches every week, narrated by casters/streamers and allowing fans to choose a completely different viewing experience at home.
These graphics are broadcast thanks to Studio CG from wTVision, together with the company’s R3 Space Engine, delivering an NDI output, in multiple languages. Studio CG is connected to LaLiga’s MediaCoach data source, Tracab, social media platforms and LaLiga Fantasy providing graphics with relevant statistical information on the players and teams at all times, a radar overview of the player’s position in real-time on the pitch, a live chatbox and the possibility to respond and see the outcome of polls.
The introduction of centralised graphics production for LaLiga has led to a number of benefits, including creating significant cost savings for LaLiga by streamlining graphics production processes; fewer physical resources are required for broadcasting, leading to a reduced carbon footprint and alignment with environmental sustainability goals; and the overall quality of graphics and operations has improved through standardisation and quality assurance measures to ensure a consistent and high-quality viewing experience for viewers during every match.