NAB 2023: RT Software to focus on Swift and Tactic ranges
The Swift and Tactic broadcast graphics product ranges will be showcased by RT Software at NAB 2023.
The Tactic Pro telestration system now includes AI features. Visitors will be able to see how quickly the AI will calibrate the pitch, automatically track players and more. With the time saved by using the AI to do the tedious work, users will be able to devote more time to producing Next Gen Analysis.
RT Software will also be giving a sneak preview of its next-generation graphics editor.
The company will be demonstrating the tight integration with newsroom control systems by running live AP ENPS v9 integration on the stand (other NRCS are also supported). Gallery operators will be able to see how easy it is to trigger graphics to air with this reconfigurable web-based user interface.
Swift and Tactic are supported on-premise, private data centre, or public cloud. In addition to seeing the systems deployed in AWS, visitors will also be able to discuss the integration with GV AMPP. This integration builds on the many years of partnership with GV. Existing customers will be able to benefit from a consistent design environment if they choose to adopt GV AMPP.